Friday, December 17, 2010

WIP Model: The Old Man

Here's what I've got for the old man so far. I'm about 50% done with the head, just have to add the beard and fix the eye areas. As for the body, I'm digging this. I need to smooth out everything once it's done, make him look fleshy and soft, but I think that this general form is really working out. I'll keep posting updates as I hit them.

The whale is done! I think he looks pretty spot-on. He's rigged, he's skinned, he's ready to go. I'll get a video on here demonstrating the rig soon.

Model: Soup Can

The soup can! If you scroll down, you'll notice the design has changed a bit. I decided that something simpler would be better for the happy-go-lucky, fun feel I'm going for. I wanted something that people could look at and instantly know that it's a can of soup. Now it's less of a Campbell's homage, and more of a generic, simplified idea of what soup is. I like it a lot, and I think it's going to look great in the old man's hands.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

First Mood Board

My first mood board is done! Happytimes.

The Old Man Character Sheet (not colored in)

I love this new design. It blows the original one way out of the water. HURR HURR get it?? My film is about the ocean?!?!??1notfunny.

Da Whale Character Sheet


I like him. He's big and stupid and I'm gonna have a field day animating with him.

Eata da Soupa

Sooo I'm working on the soup can label. I want it to read like a soup can at a first glance, and I think I've succeeded. I still need nutrition facts, ingredients, and some random branding labels, but as far as the general design goes, I'm very happy with this.


PS: "eata da soupa" just might be my favorite thing in the entire film. I hope people catch the joke while they're watching the final cut.

Pitch Boards

Hey everyone,

Here are my pitch boards for the film. They're a little small, but if you click them, you'll get the full size. These are not the final storyboards, but I wouldn't imagine the final draft to be very different in regards to framing or action.


Production Blog!

Hey folks,

Thanks for swinging by my production blog. I'm just getting started on my senior film "Soupa da Day," a tale about desperation, survival and delicious broccoli cheddar soup.

I'll be throwing some character designs and storyboards up here soon.

Come on back for more updates and new posts!

