Friday, December 17, 2010

WIP Model: The Old Man

Here's what I've got for the old man so far. I'm about 50% done with the head, just have to add the beard and fix the eye areas. As for the body, I'm digging this. I need to smooth out everything once it's done, make him look fleshy and soft, but I think that this general form is really working out. I'll keep posting updates as I hit them.

The whale is done! I think he looks pretty spot-on. He's rigged, he's skinned, he's ready to go. I'll get a video on here demonstrating the rig soon.

Model: Soup Can

The soup can! If you scroll down, you'll notice the design has changed a bit. I decided that something simpler would be better for the happy-go-lucky, fun feel I'm going for. I wanted something that people could look at and instantly know that it's a can of soup. Now it's less of a Campbell's homage, and more of a generic, simplified idea of what soup is. I like it a lot, and I think it's going to look great in the old man's hands.